The Liturgy Committee coordinates the various ministries, which support the community celebration of Mass. Quarterly planning and coordination meetings are conducted for the various sub-committee chairpersons.
Sacristan - prepares the altar before liturgies;
Eucharistic Ministers – Help the priest to deliver the Holy Communion to the people attending the Mass.
Gifts - carries up gifts during Mass.
Ushers/Greeters - greet the Mass participants, hand out bulletins, take up collections, and secure buildings after Masses; Servers - assist the priest during Mass (boys & girls - 4th grade through adults)
Altar Servers - assist the priest during Mass (boys & girls - 4th grade through adults)
Lectors - proclaim the 1st & 2nd readings, etc. during Mass.
Musicians/Singers – form a choir to enrich musically our Mass celebrations and perform during Christmas & Easter seasons. Members of the youth choir assist with singing during Mass.